LIFE is like a game of soccer, you need GOALS!!
Wah, everyday update FB's status uols.........................
Alhamdulillah, setelah bertungkus lumus dari Januari-Oktober 2011, PMR 2011 melabuhkan tirai. Sebaik tamat PMR 2011, 'perang' PMR 2012 sedia bermula.
Excel 1 PMR 2012 bermula pada 17 hingga 21/10/11, selaras seluruh Sabah. Minggu sebelum Excel tu, cuba sedaya upaya untuk 'cover' bab-bab yang penting. Science Form 1 memang tak sempat nak bincang semua bab manakala Science Form 2 pula, tak sempat nak 'jenguk' bab 1-5. Anyway just hoping they'll do their best. Actually the questions are quite easy, but as you know they don't study though.............
Sambil 'berperang' dengan Excel Form 2 & Final Year Exam Form 1, ada 1 lagi 'peperangan' yang sedang berlaku. Guru-guru yang terlibat perlu menyiapkan modul untuk setiap mata pelajaran bagi sesi 2012. And 'luckily' I had been chosen to complete the Science Module form Form 3. However the mood is not yet arrived, hope I'll finish it on time!! Pray for me......................................
i can see they are holding the bookmark.. lalalalal