Friday, August 6, 2010


Assalamualaikum & hi..

May Allah bless me


Saturday, April 10, 2010


Assalamualaikum & kaansayan ramuyun..

Kalimaran Festival was held on 2-4 April 2010 at Murut Cultural Centre, TENOM Sabah. The annually Murut festival served exhibitions, Murut traditional dances, Murut Beauty Pageant, Murut crafts, Murut games and many more. It was very wonderful to be there XD

*kaansayan ramuyun means how do you do in Murut. Thanx Ily..

The Murut Cultural Centre

Sumandak & Ambai (girlfriend & boyfriend)

Murut's crafts

Murut's handmades


Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Assalamualaikum & hi..


Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hourto raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. Earth Hour 2010 took place on March 27, 2010 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at participants' respective local time.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

MARCH Holiday

Assalamualaikum & hi everyone..

It was a great holiday. I miss my family & friends so much. Had a very pleasant time with all of them. Met my family in N9 & KL, met my sister in Pahang, met my friends in KL, did some shoppings at Jln TAR (Tunku Abd Rahman) & CM (Central Market) KL as well, for sure..hehe..Owh, and 1 more; the most important reason of going back to KL; met my lecturer & settle some 'stuffs' too..

Special thanx to my Mak, Abah, Pidah & Dik Wan for pick me up, Anum, Lien & Dayah for let me stay at their house, Liz for the card & Abg, k-Dilla, Anum (again) & Adam for send me back..

Got this pinky card from Liz. Thanx
Ok can't wait for another 2 months. Miss all of them already. Count down is officially started baa..ahaha..

Till now,

Friday, March 12, 2010


Assalamualaikum & hi all..

12-21 March 2010
BALIK KAMPUNG!! After 1.5 month at TENOM Sabah, I was extremely happy to go back to my 1 n only hometown; JOHOL N9. Even I still haven't yet receive my 1st gaji, CUTI tetap CUTI baa..

120310 (Jumaat)
Since a week before, I ANGAU already..haha..
My Friday's schedule is very pack. I have 6 teaching periods out of 7. So on that happy Friday I was so busy. I had class on 1st & 2nd period, 3rd period preparing for the next; 4th & 5th period. During recess I had a meeting and finally I had another class on 6th & 7th period. After finished the last class on that day, I rushed into Teacher's Room & went back home.
It was 1220 pm when I reached my rent house, and I had to ready by 1pm, otherwise the taxi will left us. So I performed Zuhur prayer and did the final packing, and just drank a glass of milk with oat for my lunch. By 1pm my friend, Haini & I leaved towards the nearest bus stop.
Hmm, the taxi only turned up 1.5 hour later. Together with us, there were a couple of husband & wife heading to KK as well. The taxi driver driving skills is 'superb' baa. No wonder-lah he travels from Tenom-KK-Tenom everyday.
2.25 hour later, we safely reached KKIA2. Our flight is around 1900pm. While waiting for the boarding, we performed our Asar prayer & took the post-pone lunch; better late than nothing right..There were so many teachers went back to KL that day. Beside Haini & I, Azah & her fiancee also Mr Suresh were also in the same flight with us.

By 2110 we were safely landed at LCCT. I thought my family were already there to pick me up, unfortunately the were missing the direction to LCTT. I was so unhappily waiting because I couldn't purchase the MekD Sundae; the machine was suddenly not working. huh..My family finally turned up around 2200. On the way to N9, we stopped at 7-11 Rembau to get some junks including ice creams. Finally we reached Johol by 1200 midnight. I was so tired and zzzzzzz at the living room. 430am I woke up to jama' Maghrib & Isyak prayer.

That's all for now.


Friday, February 5, 2010


Assalamualaikum & hello..

1st week at school..
School Sports Tournament was officially took place from 28-30th January 2010. Kenari won the first place followed by Kelisa, Kesuari & Kenyalang. Go go Kesuari!!

Siok sukan baa. Congratulations to all the winners XOXO


Saturday, January 30, 2010


Assalamualaikum & hi all..

There's not much to share..
Except, I had started a new life experience with a whole new environment, together with lots of new people at a very new place for sure..
Let's check out this..


TENOM was officially opened since year 1900. With estimated 2238-2409 kilometer square width, Tenom located at the Interior Division of Sabah, surrounded by Keningau, Sipitang, Beaufort & Kalimantan Indonesia. The Tenom district has 7 'mukims' & 201 villages.

On year 2006, it was stated there were 51 000 of citizen in Tenom which 60% of them were 'Murut', 20% Chinese, 10% Malay, 8% Dusun/Kadazan and others 2%. The main religion is Christian, followed by Buddha, Islam, Tao, Nasrani and Pagan.

Tenom has a very good infrastructures such as 6 secondary schools & 45 primary schools, shoplots, hospital, police station, post office, fire station, 4 petrol stations, market & 'tamu', 2 sports complex, few hotels, 2 banks, railway station, 1 mosque, 4-5 churches & 1 temple. Tenom main economical value is agriculture since it has a very suitable land for farming activity. One of the most popular product of Tenom is the TENOM COFFEE.

Besides the tasty coffee, Tenom also has the tourism attractive. Here located the wonderful Taman Pertanian Sabah with lots of nature activities. The park serves the Native Orchid Centre, Living Crop Museum, Bee Centre, Germplasm Collection, Ornamental Garden, Hoya Garden, Evolution Garden, Agro-forestry, Bamboo Section, Palm Garden, Ginger Garden, Rattan Plot, Man Made Forest, Recreation Forest, Native Fruit, Lake Sapong, Lake Rudum, Animal Park, jungle trekking, fishing, boating, cycling & sports activities. Besides the park, there are numbers of attractions at Tenom, for example Murut Cultural Centre, Kg Amboi Waterfall Pangi White Water Rafting and Antanom Statue.

For more photos please click srsfeqah fp


Friday, January 1, 2010


Assalamualaikum & Happy 2010..

Wishing 2010 lots better than 2009!!

My friends & I had a wonderful New Year experience of hiking Broga Hill on 010110 :D Thanx all!!

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